“Samantha was an incredible coach for me as I returned to being a
competitive athlete after 15 years away. I chose ultra-marathons as my
focus, and Samantha was very quick to assess where I was physically
and mentally as an athlete returning to the competitive life and all of the
training and lifestyle changes entailed. She was able to plan my training
plans building to the events I chose to race in, and when my life would
get too busy for me to meet every training day she had planned for me,
she was always ready and understanding to explain how to best modify
her plan so I hit the most important workputs. In my three Ultras last
season, I consistently placed not in the top of my age group, but also in
the age group below me. Samantha’s approach is based on the latest
sport physiology methods. I highly recommend her for any athlete
looking to up their game from not just participating in competition but to
perform and succeed in reaching solid results in competition.”

– Todd W.

“I’m 59 years old with no running or race experience. I set a goal of running a half marathon and knew I needed help to achieve this goal. I hired Samantha Langlois. It was the best decision I made and I cannot say enough nice things about my experience. Samantha kept me on track and focused during my training. She provided a training schedule for my weekly runs and adjusted it when needed. She was always available for questions. I just completed the half marathon well under my goal time. I know I would not have done as well as I did without Samantha’s help and guidance along the way. Thank you, Sam!”

Will T.

“Working with Sam has been wonderful! She’s incredibly knowledgeable about not just training plans, but also nutrition, injuries, strength training and more. She’s really understanding about balancing training with life – and is able to adjust training if life things get really crazy. I appreciate how responsive Sam is…always available by email, able to jump on a phone call, or commenting encouragement on training plans. She really dives deep into the science behind running and nutrition, which allowed me to see why or why not I should do something. If you are curious about getting into trail running or running in general, don’t hesitate to work with Sam! You won’t regret it and your body will also thank you :)”

– Chloe W.

“Sam is a great personal coach! She communicates well, especially what she wants done in a workout and why. She plans a great week of workouts in advance and is very flexible. Sam offered suggestions of what to do while I was injured so I didn’t feel like I was missing out. She also let me choose what kinds of workouts I preferred when I first began working with her, which was exciting. Having that choice helped me learn why certain workouts were given during the training cycle so I could better understand the process.

She has really helped me train for cross-country and track in my off-season. On days when I probably wouldn’t have motivated myself, she helped me find the motivation. She is very positive and also reminds me of the goals we have talked about. I would recommend her to anyone who needs a running coach who gives great workouts and input on training.”

– Cassie M.

“Samantha’s coaching has helped me tremendously …as I emerged from yet another winter with good intentions to run during the spring, summer, and fall.  My good intentions have previously not translated into reliable, repeatable, and improved running.  But with Samantha’s coaching, I was able to build up speed and distance appropriately without injuring myself, and with much less pain than previously.  With her training plans, I started slowly with alternate walking and running.  Normally, I am too impatient to do this, but I decided to trust her and the process.  It worked!  Instead of being so sore that I created my own excuses to not run, I built up muscle and endurance slowly, but effectively.  And I didn’t dread running with her thoughtfully paced schedules.  Her blog articles, the links that she sent, and the tips that she gave me were perfectly tailored to what I needed for specific problems.  Even though I had COVID in the middle of all this, her training plans helped me calibrate my recovery (this would be useful after any regular flu or sickness!).  She is good at asking questions and following up so that the training plan can meet you where you are and create progress.  I just ran a 5K with absolutely no knee pain!  I am going to stick with Samantha’s training plans for the foreseeable future, and highly recommend them to others.

– Robin T.