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Do you have an off season plan?

The off-season, or transition season, can look very different for different people. After a hard racing season, some runners focus on winter sports like cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, and snowshoeing. Some runners move inside and run onto the treadmill while some just run right on through the winter months. Some runners like to spend the…

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Running and Racing in the Heat

Here in Maine, we had one final heat wave of the summer well into September. Highs well into the 80s with high humidity and sticky, stagnant air can be a recipe for disaster for endurance athletes. It seems like September days of reliable fall weather are gone. Summer still reigns in September in Maine. I…


Say What?

That’s what I hear from my athletes when we talk about protein needs. Most of them (especially women) are surprised to learn that they are not eating enough protein. Protein is essential for muscle repair and synthesis – something most runners are concerned about. Current dietary guidelines call for eating 0.8 grams of protein per…